Attitude of a Champion

Create your Winning Mindset with Sports Hypnosis


Mental Edge Training Program

train the mind, as well as the body

Experiencing Performance Anxiety due to injury or accident?

Ready to lift your performance to the next level by increasing focus, enhancing skills, stopping mental blocks and self-sabotage?


All it takes is 4 sessions with High Performance Hypnotherapy

It’s the athlete with the Mental Edge that becomes the Champion

What is the biggest block that holds you back?

I work with a number of clients in sport and business and one of their biggest challenges is self doubt.

Whether you are on a sporting field or in the boardroom, High Performance Hypnotherapy helps create a ‘Winning Mindset’.

What makes a winner?

80% of athletes or successful entrepreneurs performance is their mental state.

C.E.O’s, Olympic trainers, athletes, people’ in the know’ have been using the tools of hypnosis to improve mental focus, tune out all distractions, and visualise the outcome they desire.

Hypnosis helps you:

  • Imposter syndrome eg limiting belief

  • reduce stress,

  • improve performance anxiety ie public speaking,

  • work and perform more efficiently,

  • eliminate your personal barriers to success,

  • Improve self doubt